Sunday, March 15, 2009

msg fb aku dari adzreil:
".... klau ko nak buat surgery, dont waste time in ireland, come back straight away. skrg ni hseman 2 tahun kat msia = medcine, surg, ortho, paeds, o n g, a n e (4 months each). klau ko buat intern kat ireland and then come back to msia u only have to do 1 year hseman = ortho, o n g and paeds. but if u want to do surgery, as hseman in msia u get to do a lot of stuff and procedures, kat ireland u just jadi kerani peribadi hehe. in the long run mrcs kat ireland tak recognize kat msia so waste of time. here, u have to jadi hseman 2 years, and then MO 3 years, pastu baru bole apply specialist/masters program. ..."


takdela nak kate aku ni 100% sure nk buat surgery... but i just want to keep my options open...

motivation utk stay kat sini cume...
nak tgk champions league finals 2010 dekat wembley?
world cup 2010 south africa?

motivation2 yang tak berapa murni la...

choices choices freckin choices
alah lagipun kalau aku nak buat kat sini pun belum tentu aku dapat buat kat sini, places limited to <75 places je tak silap aku. hmmmmmmmm.

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