Monday, November 30, 2009


hari ni kononnye ade h1n1 vaccinations for healthcare professionals hkl

pastu bile pegi ade la matron kate "o vaccinations ni only for matrons, sisters and consultants"

diorg tu kire frontliners la kottt, yg selalu ade kat ward etc etc. exposed kpd secretions and excrements and what not.

consultant tu aku tak kisah la lagi, tp matrons tu haram tak penah buat keje pape pun kat ward. diorg cume masuk ward kejap, berleter2 la menyemak2 la.

blegh. corrupted to its core

oh aku ade dgr cite director of health ke sape tah tu merican-merican ape tah, mase jd head of dept med - kalau mase die buat rounds die akan duduk tepi tingkap (med = 4th floor), pastu die bace la notes pt, pastu kalau tak betul ke ape, die campak keluar tingkap. so terburai la notes sume. pastu ko la kena kutip pathetically kat bawah sume notes yg terburai tu

HoD aku pulak, mmg strict la. aku ade la kena ari ni. die ni hardcore arsenal fan aa. yg siotnye smlm derby chelsea arsenal. dah la arsenal kalah 3-0. aiii kena la jgk tadi. dammit

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

First lady of Malaysia

Seri Paduka Baginda Raja Permaisuri Agong Sultanah Nur Zahirah.

just to make sure everybody understands.

macam fauziah latif pun ada.

Sunday, November 01, 2009


berkerja di hkl

so far..
ok aaa..

skrg aku tgh buat surgical rotation, dekat female ward breast & endocrine + vascular

ari jumaat ari tu 1st on call aku
mmg nak uneventful pun
dapat la tido 2 jam
pastu kena bangun balik sbb kena amik bloods ari sabtu pagi tu (start 415am) sbb bnyk gile pt yg post-total thyroidectomy. so kena buat post op serum calcium + albumin

abis morning rounds (dalam 1130am) aku pun terus cabut utk blk ke s.a

kat hkl ni aku bnyk gile minum 100 plus + makan kat kampung baru. duit abis macam air. abis kat makan minum je. ai