Friday, November 26, 2010

ISP Liability act

this is from the star 26/11/10. link

KUALA LUMPUR: A proposed new law will enable Internet Service Providers (ISP) to suspend or terminate the Internet accounts of P2P (peer-to-peer) users.
ISPs will send two warning letters to illegal downloaders. Should the downloaders still persist, the Internet access will be suspended or even terminated.

I think some people just don't understand how internet works. there are so many ways to download stuff , if you want it. there are so many ways to conceal your IP, and we still can use youtube for godsake.

In order for ISP to effectively doing their job when this law comes to effect is preparing a list of sites that need to be blocked, to make their job easier. we all know where it is going after that, the list will get longer and longer.

Anyway, this is not about download, this is about controlling what you can and can't access on the internet. somebody else will decide what is good and what is bad for you. E.g Hitler.

This means, somebody, somewhere is monitoring your internet usage.

I'll end this rant with advice from Ministry of Love, which is "do not commit thoughtcrime".

Thursday, November 11, 2010


bak kata peqli, aku baru dapat lesen untuk mengurat anak dara orang.

aku nak balik Malaysia.

walaupun, secara logiknye kerja kat sini lagi best, lagi banyak duit, tak kena buli kat sini, tapi aku nak balik malaysia gak. sebab bosan tahap gaban kat sini. semua orang pon sibuk keje. ezal kerja gila babi nyer kuat sampai orang polish pon segan tgk die punye working hours. jali dgn aimee pon same gak. rafiq masih kat gym angkat besi. hani kat tralee tgh tensen sebab dah lepas EDD tapi anak taknak kuar. aiyad layan bini dgn anak. aku nak kuar town pon weather macam sial kat galway.

jadi kesimpulannye, illogical decision is the best decision.

tapi tak sempat jugak nak pergi kahwin nasrul. haram betul la mamat nih. kate nak buat bulan 12. pehal tetiba nak cepat kan plak. tensen tol la.

tahun depan jawa plak, pastu jali.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Friday, June 18, 2010

king of gossips

bet uve never heard a story like this before (before ko proceed, ni disclaimer nya : aku taktau sejauh mana benarnya cerita ini sebab aku tak tgk hx notes dengan mata aku sendiri, cuma dapat dengar curi2 sahaja)

so ari ni aku masuk ot utk sports team la,
ade la 1 kes meniscal tear ngn 1 kes lateral collateral ligament tear.

sebelah ot aku ade spine nye emergency ot. (HKL je yg ade spinal ortho team aku rase)
referred case from Hosp A.

aku tak tau la brp umur makcik itu, tapi ceritanya begini lah
nak buat op : TAHBSO, elective la kot. under spinal or epidural aku pun x sure.
so korang rase what went wrong yg jadi medicolegal-spinal-emergency op?
clue : it all happened during anesthesia nye phase

sape leh teka ko mmg ade daya imaginasi yang super hebat.

tapi aku rase korang nye daya imaginasi tak hebat mana pun. lemah.


ok la, cite nye, during spinal/epidural tu, needle patah. aku x tau la needle yg LA tu ke or yg epidural/spinal nye needle
so emergency op tu : removal of foreign body dekat belakang la.
(aku tak tau la dislodge kat mana bende tuh)

so tu la, len kali kalau diorg tanye possible complications of epi/spinal, korg tau la ape jawapan nye.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

mari belajar CPR

WTF! i watched this afew times but still can't remember the steps.

Sunday, May 09, 2010

pantang kalah.

mula-mula.. kalah ngan aiyad...
takpe, aku sabar, ini sume dugaan

lepas tu.. kalah ngn chota pulak...
takpe takpe, chota lagi tua dari aku

tapi kali ni.. kalah ngn arsyad ngn keras...

ini tak bulih jadi! sudah melampaui batas-batas logik


one thing to look forward to is that bebudak local yang baru grad dah start buat induction (HOOYEAHHHHH)

Friday, May 07, 2010

hebahan nasional

hari ni jawa lubuk. kalah lawan aku pro evo.
kepada nasrul lak. ko nasib jek menang tuh. haha